Tuesday 29 December 2009

Wrap Rage

Hello there!
Now that it's Christmas time and the Three Wise Men day is nearing we'll get to open a few presents, won't we? Then we may experience wrap rage. Have you ever heard of it? Well, if you haven't and are interested in finding out, click on the links below to download a nice article about it and the audio so that you can listen to it while you read.

1 comment:

  1. First of all,


    I found this article really interesting. I've never heard of "Wrap rage", and I think that because of the enviromental problem we have nowadays, we should take care the enviroment, and we must do with little actions like this, reducing the paper we normally use at Christmas, but we can't deny the ilusion we have when we open a present ^_^

    I hope we have been good boys and girl and we have a lot of presents from the Three Wise Men :)


