Saturday 31 October 2009

EOIS' Claims

Hi there!
Here's one more article recently published in El País dealing with a hot issue regarding Official Schools of Languages and I thought it can be of great interest to you, students, and us, teachers.
It's obviously in Spanish, but please leave your comments or feelings about it in the comments section in English =]
I'd like to know your point of view!

1 comment:

  1. I am really surprised with the information that I've just read!
    I didn't know anything about it. I mean, I know about "Marco común europeo" about languages (the levels A1,A2,B1, B2, C1, C2) but I thought that these levels were accorded with the courses of the Official School of Languages, at least that you can get a C1 level when you finish your studies at the Official School of Language, I consider that it is not fair because students and teachers works hardly and this work must have a reward. Moreover, for me it is a contradiction: you have to study a language more years and you get a inferior level in oral and written skills.
    Although I still have some doubts about these things, this article has helped to me a little but to understand better this issue.
