Saturday 31 October 2009

Murcian Mules Rule

Hi everyone!
I hope you're enjoying your Halloween weekend as much as you can, but don't forget we have a class on Monday, as usual!
Now, a colleague from the school in Lorca, Conchita Díez de Revenga, has sent me a very interesting link with an article published a few days ago in the British paper The Guardian about... Murcian mules!! Yes, I was surprised too.
Whoever could imagine that NATO* soldiers love them...? Well, click on the link below and read it. If you have questions, just let me know and I'll be glad to explain.

 * NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization

1 comment:

  1. ohhh, yes!

    I saw this new on the TV last week, and I was really shocked as well!
    Well, if these mules are there for a "peacekeeping mission" (as the article says), they will be a really good task, so, we must be proud of our mules! :)
